Bravo Talkshow Stars under 4 eyes Ron Perlman Fanletters bring me to tears Bravo: Have you seen the original movie with Jean-Marais before you started filming Beauty and the Beast? Ron: Of course! I would rather say I haven't copied anything from that. Through that I have have gotten some ideas how I could be like Vincent. Bravo: Had you expected that this series would be so successful? Ron: No. I know it is not a series that will appeal to everyone. I had never thought that the people would think it so good that we were able to film 2 seasons. Bravo: Are you involved in the writing of the episodes? Ron: In the first season I wrote one of the first episodes, in which Vincent makes a great mistake. Bravo: Will you do the direction in one of the next episodes? Ron: Yes, in one of the 2 next episodes. That won't be easy with my make-up on... Bravo: When you come home from a filming-day; doesn't your face hurt from the make-up? Ron: Each week I get each week a face-mask brought on (set), because I have very sensitive skin. The lady who makes that for me, has developed a series of total nature products. Except for that there is a special glue which is made especially for me, to put the make-up on. I am careful with my skin and have no problems with it. Bravo: What do you do in the morning before you get on the set? Ron: I learn the script. I use the time to get on the set prepared. After 19 hours of filming I only want to sleep. I know I have time the next morning to get myself together again. Bravo: Did the many letters from fans surprise you? Ron: Yes very much! I get lots of mail. They write very detailed, and with much feeling, how they like the series. When I read the letters I get moved to tears each time - how deep the character Vincent touches them. Bravo: When they see you on the street, do they address you? Ron: Sometimes. Most of them don't recognize me. Their look says, "Is it he or not?" Bravo: What is your relationship with colleague Linda Hamilton? Ron: Very good. She is a wonderful actress. The best one I have ever worked with. I love watching in her work. More I can't say, I am a married man. (laughs) Bravo: The third season of the series is being filmed. Will there be any big changes? Ron: We will film 12 episodes. However Vincent's character stays the same. Each week there will be further secrets revealed about him. Bravo: Linda Hamilton is in real life pregnant. Will that be built within the series? Ron: Now, I was not included in this discussion. I can only say, at the moment, that we have worked on the new sequels and there will be very dramatic scenes in the first sequence. I will not speak about details, that would be unfair. Bravo: A short time ago an LP came on the market, on which you read poetry. Could you pick out what you wanted to read? Ron: The inventor of the series, who also brought Vincent into life, knew what would fit best. Of course are the works of Robert Frost, william Shakespeare, Lord Byron etc, adapted for the character of Vincent. Bravo: Do you write poems yourself? Ron: To be honest, no. But I found reading to the poetic works very artistically satisfying for me. Bravo: How long did it took to record the album? Ron: Many, many hours. In November last year we started with talking and we picked out the pieces. The album came on the market in May '89. It was recorded in Los Angeles by the legendary Rock and Roll producer Artie Ripp, in his own recording studio. He has shown lots of feeling and has done his job fantasticly. The reading will of course be supported by the music from the series. Bravo: Is it true that you read the poems in Vincent's mask? Ron: No. I don't need a mask to record an album. But I will never read these poems in the public with out the mask. Vincent's person and character play too big a role in that. Bravo: What does your 4 old daughter Blake Amanda say about the mann with all that hair on his face? Does she follow the series? Ron: Sometimes, not regularly. She gets upset when Vincent starts roaring. When I ask if she thinks Vincent is really a beast, or ask other questions like that, she is not overly interested in discussing this. It is possible she has trouble putting Daddy and Vincent together under one hat. Bravo: How did you do in School? Ron: (laughs) I was an average student. I failed Math and Spanish, but I had A's for Theatre Arts, English and Literature. I have a Masters Degree in Theatre from the University of Minnesota. When I started getting interested in the theatre business, I became a very enthusiastic student. Bravo: Do you do sports to be fit for the film work? Ron: Yes, that is a necessity to keep my body in shape. I do as much action-scenes myself as possible. I walk one mile each day, swim and work with weights and learn self-defense sports. Bravo: Do you have siblings? Ron: I had a brother, who was a musician, but he is dead. Bravo: What kinds of music do you like? Ron: I am very fastidious. My father, who is not alive anymore, was a jazz-musician. His big love was for Swing and the big bands. I like classical music, Rythm &Blues with Gospel influences like Aretha Franklin or Luther Vandross. Bravo: You don't go to the Rolling Stones or a Who concert? Ron: I could never do much with heavy Rock & Roll. I love the Beatles, but I need something with a little more rhythm. Bravo: Where were you during your holidays? Ron: I was in Europe and New York. I have also spent a lot of time in los Angeles in our beautiful house. We have a big swimming pool, next to a golf course. I play golf since I started the series. It is the perfect opportunity to get away from the stress for a few hours. END